Integration with GetCourse

Automatically create and send diplomas and certificates from GetCourse upon the completion of a training or webinar. The link to the finalized diploma will be saved in the learner's profile within GetCourse.

Creating the Process

To initiate requests for document creation in DiMaker, you'll need to create a process in GetCourse. Navigate to "Tasks" - "Processes". Then click on "Create Process". Enter a name, and select "Object Type" - "Users".

Creating a Certificate for Course Completion in GetCourse - Process Creation Process Creation Window

Next, in the process, select the "Process" tab and click on "Add Block" - "Operation" on the right.

Creating a Certificate for Course Completion in GetCourse - Adding a URL Call Process Creation Window - Adding a URL Call

In the newly opened window, select "Call a URL" (the last item) and click "Save".

Creating a Certificate for Course Completion in GetCourse - Task Window Process Creation Window - Task Setup

This is the primary window. Choose the POST method, and in the URL field, specify the request string, which must include:

  • Request Address -
  • API Token - secure (found in the settings of DiMaker)
  • Document ID - doc_id The document used to generate the certificate or diploma
  • Folder ID - folder_id The folder on the Drive where the file should be stored
  • Email Template ID - mail_id The email template used to send the file
  • Replacement Data, each variable starting with mask_

We will review these parameters in detail first, then explain how the request string should look in its final form.


Request parameters must include variables that grant access to the DiMaker account, specify the document to use, identify the Drive folder for storage, and other details.

Form variables marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

  • secure*

    An API token (string of 36 characters) from the "API Tokens" page in DiMaker.

  • doc_id*

    The document ID (string of 36 characters) used to create the file. The ID can be found in the document's URL when opened. The document must not be in the trash folder but can be stored in any folder within Documents.

  • mail_id

    The email template ID (string of 36 characters) for sending the file via email. Found in the template's URL. If not provided, no email will be sent.

  • email_send

    The timing parameter determining when to send the email with the file. Possible values include:
    onfinish - Send all emails once all files have been created (default)
    oncreate - Send emails immediately after file creation. For a single file, onfinish and oncreate are equivalent.
    timeout - Send emails after a delay. In this case, two more parameters are required:
    email_timeout_value - The delay duration as an integer
    email_timeout_unit - The unit of time for the delay. Possible values: "m" (minutes), "h" (hours), "d" (days).
    Alternatively, specify an exact timestamp in Unix Time format using email_timeout_timestamp. If both timeout and email_timeout_timestamp are provided, the latter will take precedence.

  • folder_id

    The Drive folder ID (string of 36 characters) where the files are to be stored. If the folder doesn’t exist, it will be created automatically with the first file.

  • page_id

    The sheet number (integer or string) if the document contains multiple sheets. You can specify a single sheet number (starting from 0), or multiple numbers separated by commas.

  • result

    Specifies the response type. Options include:

    • No value - Returns a string with the request result.
    • link - On success, returns a string containing a link to the created file (first file, if multiple are created). Retrieve the file using the link. File generation takes 1–5 seconds. A request to this link before file creation will return a 404 error.
    • file - Returns the completed file (first one, if multiple are created). Since file generation takes 1–5 seconds, the response occurs after the file is ready. If high API request volume is expected, use this option cautiously as response time may exceed 30 seconds.


At least one placeholder variable must exist in the DiMaker document, such as %name or %city. Variables must use Latin characters. For example, %email is allowed, but %фио or %класс is not.

When constructing the URL in the process, variable names must start with the prefix mask_ followed by the document variable name. For instance, for %name, use mask_name. The specified details will be inserted into the document during file creation.

All data must originate from GetCourse-provided fields. See this page (under the header “User Object Variables”). Use curly brackets with a prefix object., e.g., {object.first_name}.

To send the completed file via email, use the mask_email variable with {} as the value. To set a custom filename, use mask_filename.

You can include as many variables as needed. Additionally, any user profile data from GetCourse, including custom fields, can be passed to DiMaker for inclusion in the generated document.

For dynamic content like the current date, random numbers, or other fields, use functions.

This is a partial translation of the text preserving technical details and formatting. If you'd like to translate the remaining sections or need additional modifications, please let me know!

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