Variables are placeholders that will be replaced with specific data — %full_name, %initials, %letter, %score, %greeting, and others. Each variable must consist of a single word without symbols or spaces and must begin with the % sign. You can use as many variables as you need.
Each variable must be unique, and one variable should not contain another within its name. For example, %full_name_teacher and %full_name_professor are acceptable. However, using %full_name and %full_name_teacher is not recommended. In this case, the second variable contains the first one, and this might lead to incorrect replacements when generating files.
Document window with one variable %full_name
Variables can be used not only in documents but also in the email body or subject line.
Email template with variables %greeting %initials
Variables are the foundation of dynamic data within the service. Whether they are used in documents, spreadsheets, emails, widgets, or integrations, their purpose remains straightforward: they are placeholders that hold specific data.