General Settings

These settings determine the core parameters of the service's operation.

Create PDF File

If this option is disabled, only a JPG file will be created. The JPG can be placed in the email text using the %image variable. When enabled, both PDF and JPG will be created. However, only the JPG file size is counted when calculating the Disk space usage.

PDF files can be generated in two formats:

  • Rasterized File. In this format, the document background is merged with the text. Text in such a document cannot be selected or copied. This format is suitable for certificates and diplomas where it is important to ensure recipients cannot easily extract the background for use in other applications.
  • Text Separate from Background. In this format, the text is placed over the background and can be selected and copied. This is suitable for gift certificates, for instance, where it’s important to copy a promo code. Generally, the background in this format is purely decorative.

Apply Slight Text Blur

The text embedded in the document background often appears slightly less sharp than the text added in DiMaker. This occurs because the background is a raster image, while the font used in DiMaker is vector-based.

To minimize the visual difference between the background text and the added text, you can slightly blur the text added in DiMaker. This way, it will blend better with the background and appear more unified.

You can adjust the blur level to minimize the difference between the original background text and the added text. The higher the quality of the original image, the less blur you will typically need to apply.

Enhanced File Quality

By default, generated files are compressed using JPG 75%. However, in some cases, this compression level may negatively affect the quality of the final files. Enabling this setting increases compression quality to 100%. This, however, also increases the file size by about 1.5 times.

Carefully evaluate whether this setting is necessary, especially if you plan to email the files. Email attachments are typically limited to 10 MB. If both JPG and PDF files are included in an email and their combined size exceeds 10 MB, the email will not be sent.

Append Unique ID to File Name

Files on Disk are named after the Document's name or based on the "File Name" field specified during file creation. If file names are repeated, they will still be saved in the folder. As a result, the folder may contain many files with the same name. Adding a unique ID to the file name simplifies working with them, especially when handling files manually.

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