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"Create files" window

Basic settings for creating and sending files are made in this window.

"Create files" window

Document sheets

If the document has multiple sheets, this parameter specifies whether to use all sheets (indicated in parentheses) or only specific ones. If there are multiple sheets in the resulting file, a PDF file will be created exclusively, even if JPG creation is only selected in the general settings. This parameter is not present in the "Create files" window if the document has one sheet or creation is from a separate table.

Folder in Drive

The target folder in which to create the files. This can be any folder in Drive located as in the root, as well as in any other folder.

Email template

The email template that will be used to send the file. Email templates can be created or modified on the page " Emails"-> " Email Templates". This and the following parameters are not present in the "Create files" window if the table does not have the "Email address" column.

There must be at least one variable in the email text, such as addressing by middle name. This way, all emails will be personalized and it will increase email deliverability and spam control passage in mail systems. Addressing by middle name can be created in " Wordform" by separating them from the First Name.

The "From" and "Reply-to" addresses are specified in " Settings" -> " Emails". For mailings, it is recommended to replace the standard "Organizer" and "no-reply" with something of your own. It is also preferable to connect your domain.

You can prevent emailing by selecting "Prevent file distribution" from the drop-down menu. The email address from the table will be saved with the file, but the file will not be automatically sent.

If the table has an "Email template" column, and the email subject is correctly specified, the email template selection in this window for that file will be ignored.

Sending letters

This parameter specifies when to send a letter with a file.

  • After creating each file. The letter will be sent immediately after creating the file. In this case, if several files are created with the same email address, they will be sent in different emails. It is not recommended to set this value, since it increases the load on mail systems and increases the likelihood of emails being marked as spam.
  • After creating all files. The files will be sent after all files are created for the selected rows. In this case, if there are multiple files with the same email address, they will be sent in one email (up to 10 MB per email), with the variables for the email taken from the first file. This is the recommended option.
  • Manually launch the mailing. The files will be created and saved with the email address and selected email theme. After they are created, you need to open " Drive ", select the necessary files (or folder(s)) and then press "Send by email". If there are multiple files with the same email address, they will be sent in one email (up to 10 MB per email), with the variables for the email taken from the first file. Already sent files in the selected folders will not be sent again.
  • Send letters through. This parameter sets the interval at which letters should be sent. Files intended for one address will be sent in separate emails at the selected interval.

Creating files

After pressing "Create files", files for each selected row in the table will be added to the specified folder and the process of creating the files will start. The creation window can be closed, as the file generation process occurs on the server without the participation of the browser. If files are currently being generated, the process will be queued.

During file generation, you can work with both the source document and the table, for example, make changes and create other files. This will not affect the current file creation process.
