This service allows not only inserting text data into variables but also replacing the content of certain non-text elements such as images, links, and QR codes.
Sometimes, you may need to insert different images into finished files, such as recipient avatars or screenshots of their work. To enable this, assign a variable to the image. Open the image's context menu and select "Add Variable."
Once this is done, a corresponding column will be added to the data table, where you need to provide the link to the image you want to use. During the file generation process, these images will be loaded into the respective image block.
- Images must be in JPG or PNG format.
- The aspect ratio of the images must match the original image uploaded to the editor.
- Images should be accessible directly and quickly via the specified link, without requiring additional actions, and must include proper HTTP headers.
- Images are not stored in the service. If you need to modify the final file in the future, ensure that the specified image remains available at the provided link.
When using the API, you can either provide a link to an image or send the image directly in Base64 format. In this case, the string should start with "data:image/".
Links can also be replaced with different ones. To do this, use any variable when specifying a URL link. A corresponding column will appear in the data table where you can provide a new link. During file generation, these links will be inserted into the appropriate block.
QR Codes
QR codes can also be replaced with different ones. To do this, use any variable when specifying a QR code URL. A corresponding column will appear in the data table where you can provide a new link. During file generation, these links will be used to generate the QR codes.