
Documents in DiMaker can be either single-page or multi-page. Adding multiple pages to a document can be useful if you need to include additional information in the same PDF file along with the main document, or if you want to provide the same certificate in another language.

Page management menu

When creating files, all pages within the document will be saved into a single PDF file. A single-page document can be generated as either a JPG or PDF file. A multi-page document, however, will always be generated as a PDF, even if the account settings specify "Generate JPG file".

Each page can have its own background (identical format and size), as well as its own blocks and variables added.

In the "Create Files" window, or when generating files through the API, you can select which pages to include in the output files.

The order of pages in the final file will follow the arrangement in the document. Pages can therefore be reordered, if needed. Additionally, you can assign a custom name to each page for easier navigation.

Document Structure Overview

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