DiMaker DiMaker В чём разница?

Block Editor

Adding, selecting, changing, copying, moving blocks

DiMaker uses a block editor for documents. This means that each element - text, image, QR code - represents a separate block that can be freely moved around the page and resized.

The following blocks can be added to the document:

  • Text block
  • List (bulleted, numbered, checkbox)
  • Image
  • QR code
  • Link
  • Authentication Label

Text block

This is the main block for text. You can write text in it or variables to substitute personal data.

Text block


Three types of lists are supported - bulleted, numbered, and checkbox. Essentially, this is the same text block.


You can upload individual images to the document, such as logos, stamps, signatures, and so on. Files in JPG and PNG formats are supported. After uploading the image, you can resize it and position it on the sheet. The image itself can also be changed using a variable when creating files. Radius of fastening is supported for the image.

Block with image

QR code

Inserting a special code for scanning with mobile devices. Only URL links are supported. When inserting a QR code, you need to specify the URL to which you want to go when scanning the code. If you specify a variable in the field, you can set the address through the table.

Block with QR code


For PDF files where text is separate from the background , you can add a link. A link is a transparent block, clicking on which in the created PDF file will open the browser with the required link. You can specify the link itself when adding this block or through a variable.

Block with a link

Authentication Label

The authentication label provides authentication verification by adding a unique QR code to the certificate. Scanning this code will open your website page with information about the certificate - who issued it, when, and for what. More information about the label can be found in this article.

Other information about blocks