Document Column

The "Document" column specifies the document that will be used to create a file. This means that a single spreadsheet can generate different files depending on its content.

If there’s no need to generate different files, it is better to create a standard document already linked to the spreadsheet. A dedicated spreadsheet is especially useful for creating files based on various documents from a shared list.

The "Document" column supports the following formats:

  • Document Name. The document must be located in the root of the "Documents" section. If multiple documents have the same name, none will be selected. Ensure the name is unique. A document name can consist of multiple words.

    The "Document" column lists various document names.

  • Full Name and Path. The document can be located in a folder, so you can specify the full path to that folder along with the document name. Ensure there's only one document with that name in the folder.

    The "Document" column lists document names within the "2022" folder.

  • Document ID. When using an ID, ensure there are no slashes at the beginning or end. The document can be located in any folder. The document ID can be found in the URL when the document is open.

    The "Document" column lists various document IDs.

Generating Multiple Files

You can specify multiple documents in a single cell by separating them with commas. This will generate multiple files based on the variables in the row. During preview, only the first file will be shown.

The "Document" column lists multiple documents. Formats can be combined, and the number of documents is unlimited.

Adding Variables

After opening the spreadsheet, you need to add variables from the required documents. Select any unused column and click "Choose Variable."

"Choose Variable" menu

Then, in the new window, select the required variable. Ensure that all necessary variables are present in each document when generating files based on different documents.

Example Usage

For instance, you have a participant list, where one column shows the result—"Winner," "Participant," or "Prizewinner." A specific certificate is required for each result. Additionally, a recommendation letter is needed for the winners.

Using one spreadsheet, you can create all three types of certificates and the letter of appreciation from the same list.

  1. Create the documents. Each document should be named "Winner," "Participant," "Prizewinner," and "Letter." Upload the appropriate background and add variables to each document.

    Several documents in the root "Documents" section.

  2. Create a separate spreadsheet.

    An empty spreadsheet after creation.

  3. Upload data from Excel or copy it directly.

    Data uploaded from Excel. Relevant variables are selected for each column.

  4. In the "Document" column, add "Letter" after "Winner" for all winners, separated by a comma, to create the recommendation letter as well.

    Add "Letter" to the appropriate cells. This can also be done before uploading to the spreadsheet.

As a result, different certificates will be generated based on the outcome, and winners will also receive a recommendation letter. If an email address is specified, the files will be sent via email. Certificates and letters for winners will be sent in the same email.

Another example:

You need to create certificates in both Russian and English.

  1. Create two documents with backgrounds in Russian and English. Add the %name variable to both files. Name the Russian file "Сертификат" and the English file "Certificate."

    Two documents with different backgrounds and the %name variable.

  2. In the Word Forms section, add a rule to transliterate the %name variable, saving it as %name for the English document. Another rule defines the final file name as %name after transliteration, applied to all documents.

    Word Forms with two rules. The transliteration rule for %name is added only to the English document.

  3. Create a spreadsheet. In the "Document" field, specify both files: "Сертификат,Certificate."

    A spreadsheet with data for generating two files per row.

As a result, two files will be generated for each spreadsheet row. One of them will have a transliterated name, and each file will be named after the %name variable.

The "Disk" section with the created files. Two files were generated for each %name, including transliterated variables and file names.

Other Columns

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