"Document" Column

The "Document" column specifies the document used to generate a file. This allows you to create different files from the same spreadsheet, depending on its content.

If there is no need to generate different files, it’s better to create a single document linked to the spreadsheet. A separate spreadsheet is convenient for generating files based on different documents using a common list.

The "Document" column supports the following formats:

  • Document Name. The document must be located in the root of the "Documents" section. If multiple documents have the same name, none will be selected. Therefore, ensure that the specified name is unique. The document name can consist of multiple words.

    Different document names specified in the "Document" column.

  • Document Name and Full Path. If the document is stored in a folder, you can specify the full path and the document name. The folder should contain only one document with this name.

    Different document names specified in the "Document" column, located in the "2022" folder.

  • Document ID. The ID should not contain slashes at the beginning or end. The document can be located in any folder. The document ID can be found in the address bar when the document is open.

    Different document IDs specified in the "Document" column.

Creating Multiple Files

Multiple documents can be specified in a single cell, separated by commas. This will generate multiple files with the variables specified in the row. However, only the first file will be displayed in the file preview.

Multiple documents specified in the "Document" column. Different formats can be combined. Any number of documents can be specified.

Adding Variables

After opening the spreadsheet, you need to add variables from the required documents. To do this, select any empty column and click "Select Variable".

"Select Variable" menu

Then, in the pop-up window, select the necessary variable. When generating files from different documents, ensure that all required variables are present in each document.

Usage Example

Suppose there is a list of participants, where one column specifies the result: "Winner," "Participant," or "Prize Winner". A separate certificate must be created for each result. Additionally, a recommendation letter must be generated for the winners.

Using a single spreadsheet, you can generate three types of certificates and a recommendation letter for the winners.

  1. Create the documents. Each document should be named "Winner," "Participant," "Prize Winner," and "Letter." Each document should have a corresponding background and include the necessary variables.

    Several documents in the root "Documents" folder.

  2. Create a separate spreadsheet.

    Empty spreadsheet after creation.

  3. Upload data from Excel or copy it directly.

    Data imported from Excel. The necessary variables have been selected for each column.

  4. For all winners, add "Letter" after "Winner," separated by a comma, to generate a recommendation letter.

    "Letter" added to the necessary cells. This can be done before uploading to the spreadsheet.

This way, different certificates will be generated based on the result, and winners will also receive a recommendation letter. If an email address is specified and sending is enabled, the files will be emailed. The winner’s certificate and letter will be sent in the same email.

Another example:

Two certificates need to be created—one in Russian and one in English.

  1. Create two documents with a background in Russian and English. Add the variable %name to both files. The Russian file should be named "Certificate," and the English file should be named "Sertificate."

    Two documents with different backgrounds and the %name variable.

  2. Create a spreadsheet. In the "Document" field, specify that two files should be created—"Certificate,Sertificate."

    Spreadsheet containing data to generate two files per row.

As a result, two files will be created for each row in the spreadsheet. The name will be transliterated in one of the files. Each file will be named based on the %name variable.

"Disk" section with generated files. Each %name has two files with transliteration and file naming based on the %name variable.

Other Columns

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